Thursday, August 20, 2009


The unofficial word from the technician is no cysts, which was a little disturbing almost because I was in pain dagnabit and I wanted something to blame that pain on. The good news is that whatever has been troubling me is not gone but has receded to that fullness/slightly uncomfortable feeling and away from the terrible pain I was in yesterday morning that caused me to schedule the ultrasound at the nurse's request.

The bad news was that not only had I not ovulated (although I knew this part was true) but it doesn't seem like I will ovulate any time soon. Although I had "lots" of follicles, none of them were big enough to be measurable, even on day 17. So ovulation is not impending. Does this mean it won't happen at all this month? I don't know, but it surely won't happen on the alleged timetable the office wants. I think this is all the reason they need to boot me to someone else, and I'm not really sure who that will be in this area. Plus, I am bummed that 150 doesn't seem to be working its magical wonders and that 100 did, but only that one time. I am confused, and a little downtrodden about the whole thing.

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