Monday, June 29, 2009


Dear Clear Blue Monitor,

HEY THERE! You and I, we've had some good times, haven't we? Remember last month, when you gave me a peak and I had my only documented ovulation ever in my life? The one I'd been waiting since December for? That was fun. Let's do it again. Like, RIGHT NOW. Seven days of high is just a mind fvck. I need the peak. I'm good for it. I promise! I will love you and kiss you and hang out with you every morning. I'm going on a trip next week, so let's not to be dragging this out. I thought you were supposed to know me better the second month? Prove it!

Much love,


  1. Don't forget that you can still o w/o getting the peak! You could get that temp jump tomorrow! Fingers crossed and keep sexin' your DH!
