Monday, June 29, 2009


Dear Clear Blue Monitor,

HEY THERE! You and I, we've had some good times, haven't we? Remember last month, when you gave me a peak and I had my only documented ovulation ever in my life? The one I'd been waiting since December for? That was fun. Let's do it again. Like, RIGHT NOW. Seven days of high is just a mind fvck. I need the peak. I'm good for it. I promise! I will love you and kiss you and hang out with you every morning. I'm going on a trip next week, so let's not to be dragging this out. I thought you were supposed to know me better the second month? Prove it!

Much love,

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm so High!

I couldn't resist the subject line. I *thought* that the Clearblue Monitor was supposed to give you several high readings the first month, but then calm itself down and do a better job the following month. Here it is on my second cycle with it and I'm still rocking the fifth high day. And I don't think it's the Clomid because it always says low when I'm still on the Clomid (and this month, even a day after) and then it's like, hi, hihihihihi HIGH!!!! Okay, chillax, monitor. I need to know about peak, you ever heard of it? Because my husband will jump me every single day the monitor says high, because it *might* be helpful.

My husband went from not wanting to know anything because it's too much pressure to have this conversation every morning.

Him: "What's your temperature"
Me: "It's X"
Him: "What does that MEAN? What do we want it to do?"
Me: "I don't know, I need to input it in the graph."
Him: "Well what was it yesterday?"
Me: "I don't remember, I just woke up like 30 seconds ago."
Him: "Go do your monitor and tell me what it says."
Me: *pees on stick*
Him: "What does it SAY?"
Me: You know these things take a few minutes.

I feel like he should be telling me to calm down, not the other way around. However, I'm super glad that he feels that invested in the process.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


It is sooooo unbelievably hot here! Added to the Clomid, and I feel at any moment I could literally burst into flames.

The air conditioning was broken in our house. I discovered this when I thought I was having hot flashes or something, and checked the thermostat. It was set at 75. The actual temperature in the house? NINETY FIVE DEGREES. You know, only a twenty degree difference. Urgh. At least the maintenance people came out the next morning to fix it. It is now marginally tolerable to live in this place.

Monday, June 15, 2009


So my period, it is officially here. I reset the monitor today and called my doctor for more Clomid (he thinks I can stay on the 100 for another few months). I have some feelings about this, but because I am actively on my period, they mostly center around blurrrrghhhh. So I'll let it be for now.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Probably Out

I was counting on a temperature dive to tell me for sure, but today for sure I am spotting even if I was guessing at it those other days. Anything that is not for sure my period (a red flow) I count as spotting, and this is it. Plus I had a BFN this morning. I know it's still technically "early" but with the spotting plus BFN I do not have high hopes.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Progesterone Level

Well my day 21 test came back today, and last time I had .7 but this time I had 14.1, which the nurse described as a decent number but the internet at large seems to think is fairly low. Don't know what to think. The nurse said she wasn't sure if the doctor would keep me at 100 or bump me up to 150, so she clearly thinks there isn't a chance of me being pregnant.

Monday, June 8, 2009


I'm having to go the the bathroom a lot today, and this sort of intestinal distress has always been a sign for me that my period is on the way. However, it's only 7DPO, isn't that too early for signs of anything, be it pregnancy or aunt flo?

Temps Going Up

So my temperature keeps going up, up, up, almost breaking the 98 degree barrier this morning. Someone once asked on a message board which was worse, waiting to ovulate or waiting to test. I had never been in a position where I was waiting to test, so it seemed like a harder question. Now I know: waiting to test is so much harder. Why? There's HOPE involved. When you're a long cycle/no cycle gal and you're waiting to ovulate it's soooo frustrating because you just can't get anything going. You can't think about testing for pregnancy because you're trying to kickstart your body into working in the first place. It's the pits, and it's a lot of waiting around, but you know that you aren't pregnant. When you're waiting to test, it just kills that this might might might be something, but you don't get to know it yet. A little bit of hope is a very dangerous thing.

Friday, June 5, 2009


97.43! Even at 5:00 a.m., more affectionately known as "balls o'clock" when we got up to leave town. I have real, non-dotted cross-hairs. Excitement abounds!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


If I get anything above a 97.2 tomorrow, then FF will be nice to me and grant me crosshairs for Day 15. Day FIFTEEN? Who would have thought that was humanly possible for me? It almost sounds like a textbook. If it's true and the monitor didn't lie and I actually ovulated, I had enough sex for a month almost in a few days.

However, I have been worried about my temps being high enough because my husband has gotten hot at night. What? It's Alabama in the summer where we are right now - super hot. But with just a sheet, basically, and a little blanket, and the fan going at full blast, I keep waking up cold. Which makes me sleep a little less well and cold for temping in the morning. I try to do just the blanket on my side, but that doesn't work so well and sometimes I get too hot as well. So we'll see. I know it doesn't have that much of an impact, but I am prone to worry about silly things sometimes.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Houston, we have a Peak

So I am having a peak today! How exciting! It's almost like I've never ovulated before and this is the first glimmer of my body actually doing what it is supposed to do. How shocking. I am a little confused because my temps already seem on the rise which tends to make me think O has already occurred, but the peak seems to say that O will occur very shortly. I guess I will just have to wait a a couple of days and see. Oh and jump my husband every chance I get. :-)