Wednesday, January 28, 2009

OPK - My Friendly Neighborhood Tormenter

Awhile ago I bought these ovulation predictor kits, the First Response ones for longer cycles, because I'm pretty sure my cycle is going to take forever. My husband convinced me to go ahead and start using them this cycle even though I was already on day 31 at the time. Boy those things are hell! I can't believe that some people just sell 7 to a pack - I would die. I have had lines every time, but never as dark as they should be.

Who came up with this crazy theory? Instead of making crazy women look for a line that isn't there (pregnancy tests already have that market cornered) let's for sure give them a line and then make them struggle with the DARKNESS and the THICKNESS of the line, so they can have something to obsess over. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! Idiots.

One time (yesterday) I had a moment where I thought the line was as dark as the control, only not as wide. I couldn't *really* tell one way or the other and didn't have a digital/have the extra money to buy a digital to confirm. I jumped my husband just in case (not that he minded, this is only cycle #1) and went my merry way. I had a .2 temp jump this morning so we'll see if that was all it was cracked up to be. Probably not - and I wonder why I'm letting myself care about the OPK at all...maybe if my cycle had some sort of end date on it that would be helpful. If I have no AF by the time I go to the doctor, I will be 67 days into this cycle. I do not want it to last that long.

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