Sunday, October 11, 2009


So today I took a pregnancy test, just to see if the trigger was out of my system or not (no one get excited) and I was all set for it to be negative but there seems to be a faint shadow of a line. I can't believe my pee actually made a pregnancy test turn positive at all. It's sort of a miracle, even with the recent shot of HCG.

I got tested last Friday for progesterone and such, and did fasting labs. My insulin and glucose are now sufficiently out of whack for them to put me on Glucophage. I'm not terribly thrilled about this but it is a moderately normal PCOS girl step. I will not be taking the meds when not TTC I do believe. I hate, HATE swallowing pills and these Glucophage tablets are not my speed.

Also my progesterone is low (14, just like it was the only other time I apparently ovulated) so now I have to take two suppositories per day, which is a lot harder than it sounds. Taking one before bed is easy and I know it isn't going anywhere. But taking one in the morning? Makes me feel all squishy and gross.

And there you have it - no real new news other than MEDS! And no idea if I'm actually pregnant (and thus this being worth it - or not).

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