Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Still going strong with the follistim. Tomorrow it will be 12 days that I've taken actual drugs. They just keep dragging it out, a few days at a time. Allegedly this is because it's my first time on the drugs and because I have PCOS so we don't want to excite those crazy ovaries.

It's so weird having to schedule everything though. I'm actually praying I don't have to trigger tomorrow because my husband will be out of town and there is nothing I can do about it. We had no idea how long this would take and obviously couldn't put our lives on hold to wait. I dread to think about how much money we've spent on this cycle only to have it all for naught.

While this is going on we're renting and moving to a house and I've got some crazy work stuff as well. I'm trying to remain calm about it. How am I doing? :-)


  1. For the love of god, could you have much more on your plate?

    Would it be possible for you to follow your husband on his out-of-town trip?

  2. I thought I was busy when I was working full time, studying to take a bar exam for a second state, and planning my wedding. I must be crazy insane.
