Friday, May 29, 2009

Shenanigans, Part II

So it's day 11 and I still have a high reading on my monitor. I sort of glossed over last time that the first two days of high on 9 and 10 were probably just the Clomid. Most advice I see says don't use an OPK with Clomid until at least 3-4 days of it being out of your system. So now that I have sustained highs on 10 and 11 (after finishing the Clomid 3-7), I'm feeling better about this whole "high" enterprise, like it might actually do me some good. I'll probably fall down if I ever get a peak reading, which according to rumors should still be reliable even if the high reading is not.

I had an emergency business trip come up and so I've been out of town since yesterday morning super early and will be going home tomorrow afternoon. Let's hope this hasn't damaged our chances in any way.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor Shenanigans

I do like the monitor. It was expensive, but something about sliding that stick in and getting a digital reading every day, even if it's low, is comforting to my mind. The OPKs were just guessing games completely.

And I don't know if it's just five days of Clomid at double dose in my system, but today, CD8 I got a high reading. The monitor people say you can have as many as five high days before you peak on your first cycle, but I would be glad to peak at all. Anything that goes over that first bar is getting treated to some sexy times at our house. I'm just so happy that the monitor thinks it's possible for me to ovulate. Silly monitor!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Apparently they don't "make" Clomid in anything bigger than 50mg, so when you take 100mg you just take two pills. That part does not excite me. So, I'm on the Clomid, and I took it last night before bed (about two hours before bed, I didn't get to sleep right away in a way that has nothing to do with the Clomid). Much better than taking it at dinner is all I can say.

Also I made my husband go in for an "analysis" because it's so easy and we both wanted to know just how many uphill battles we are fighting at this point. He is completely normal, the nurse tells us (also I asked her about my pap, yes, I had that in February but no one ever called me so I assumed it was fine but then freaked out because no one EVER calls us with information from there, ever, and I had an abnormal one a year ago and blah, blah, blah). Anyway, that was normal too! Yay we're all normal, except....I don't ovulate. Well hopefully with Clomid I will.

I barely want to admit this to the Internet at large, but I feel like you guys should know. I am 1000% relieved that there is nothing wrong with my husband. It will make getting pregnant a lot easier in the long run and he doesn't need security issues, especially right now. However, he will never truly know how I feel, and it is all my fault for being the broken one, you know? I had a tiny hope that maybe he would share some of this burden from the inside as opposed to the outside. Isn't that a horrible thought? I'll put it away now.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I don't know why I haven't been posting. Probably the same reason I've been MIA from the boards, even lurking all that much. Nothing was happening! I was just waaaaiting for progesterone to kick in and do its thing. So instead of today being CD 64 it was, happily, CD1. I am so freaking glad too - even for Aunt Flo to rear her head at 6 p.m. Why?

I had 5 days of spotting before a real period. 5 days of dark gunk without a red drop in sight, just teasing and tormenting me until I was like come ON ALREADY! Seriously. Nothing like waiting on your period, am I right no cycle/long cycle girls? It's frustrating.

Also I finally caved in and bought a clearblue monitor. The sticks were driving me crazy not ever being able to tell, so this will reliably and digitially tell me every day that I'm not ovulating! That should make things more fun. However, with the rallying call of day 1 I am glad to be back in the game, to start taking my temperature, my medication, and my chances, and see what comes my way.