Friday, July 31, 2009

Hiking + Period = :-(

This just in: Progesterone makes me have to pee, a lot. Also, it makes me randomly weepy and cranky. WHO KNEW? I am not looking to A) having my period and B) taking Clomid (now with even more side effects and three times the pill-taking fun!) while on a hiking trip next week with my husband AND my in-laws.

I am not a hiking girl. (I mean, I am not actively against it or anything, it's just not my number one fun activity.) I will only be going on day hikes and not the crazy multiple over night backpacking hiking extravaganza that my dear husband and father-in-law are going on. However, that means I will be left alone with my mother-in-law for three days. And the husband and I are not telling them we are trying - this is mostly me and not wanting to disclose to the in-laws that their sweet baby boy married a broken woman. I don't think I could take the hassle or the sympathy.

Anyway, like I said last time, no updates because nothing is happening. I'm on the same train, taking progesterone and then more bonus Clomid. I haven't tangled with taking my temperature or peeing on a stick for the monitor in AGES, but I bet you can't wait for the awesome updates when I do that again. I just finished the progesterone ... Tuesday, so I'm waiting for the period to drop any time ...

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